Quality and classification of colleges seminar (special seminar )

Quality and classification of colleges seminar (special seminar )

Title:- Quality assurance and Colleges classification program and its participation in increasing  the level of quality and academic accreditation for Madenat el- Elem University College .

Through the activities of quality assurance and accreditation, Madenat el- Elem University College carried out on Wednesday the 14th Feb. 2018. A special seminar titled ” Quality assurance and academic accreditation for Madenat- el Elem University College”. The seminar was attended by the college council members and all academic staff .A number of lectures was included in the seminar. These lectures concentrated on the importance of the quality assurance and colleges classification in the development of colleges and universities, and how to benefit from the program as much as possible. At the end, recommendations were suggested  and submitted to the session chairman .Certificates of appreciation were awarded to the college dean, vice- dean and the seminar organizing committee.