| Building & Constructions Technology Engineering Dpt.

This department which was established in the academic year 2014/2015 qualifies students to be specialized in civil engineering, and graduate with a B.Sc. degree. The courses given in this de- partment cover all sections of civil engineering such as structures, highways, bridges and hydrau- lic systems. The graduate of this department will be capable of doing design, construction and management of civil engineering projects. Modern methods and up to date references are used .throughout the courses of the four years




First Year: Second Year:
2Engineering Mechanics
3Building Material
4Computer Programming
5Engineering Drawing
6Engineering Statistics
7Engineering Geology
9Technical English
10Arabic language
3Mechanics of Material
4Computer Programming
5Fluid Mechanics
6Building Construction
7Concrete Technology
8Freedom & Democracy


show the syllabus of the courses.


Third Year: Fourth Year:
1Theory of Structures
2Soil Mechanics
3Eng. Management and economy
4Reinforced Concrete
5Water Resources
6Engineering Analysis
7Traffic Engineering
8Computer Applications in Civil   Engineering
9Numerical Methods
1Steel Design
2Foundation Engineering
3Transportation Engineering
4Sanitary & environmental Engineering
5Construction Methods & Quantity Surveying
6Reinforced Concrete Design
7Selected Topics in Hydraulic Structures
8Engineering Project