Civil Engineering under the service of Building and Rebuilding

 I  Civil Engineering under the service of Building and Rebuilding

Under the care of professor Dr. Shakir Mahmoud the dean of Madenat el-Elem University College , Civil Engineering Department set-up the 1st seminar on Tuesday the 27th Feb.2018 at the seminar room

Seminar subjects:-

  1. ” Civil Engineering charactertics of soils in Iraq and the adoption of criterion to insure sobriety of the work in engineering test laboratories ” Chief engineer Taha Yassin AbdulNabi, manager of Baghdad Constructional Laboratory and consultant at the National Center for Constructional Laboratory.

  2. ” Using Gypsum soil in soil embankment in hot desert areas” Dr. Isam Hamid Nashaat , soil Mech. and Foundation Engineering lecturer, Madenat el-Elem University College.