Madenat Alelem University College held a webinar on filling out the annual evaluation form for academic staff

Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Saeed Selman Kamoon, Dean of Madenat Alelem University College, the Continuing Education Unit / Planning and Follow-up Department, in cooperation with the Quality Assurance Division, held an electronic workshop entitled:

“Fill out the annual evaluation form for teachers

It is a workshop on the mechanism of filling out the electronic form for evaluating the annual performance of teachers, with the participation of the heads of scientific departments and a number of teachers.

The workshop included introducing the teaching and staff members to the axes of the evaluation form for the purpose of providing the necessary requirements and working on them to achieve them and the axes of each form of evaluating teaching performance and evaluating published research, types of forms, the mechanism for filling out annual performance evaluation forms and the importance of creating the required files that document the participation of teachers in conferences, scientific seminars and seminars Discussion, workshops, seminars or research publication.

The workshop also showed the most important paragraphs contained in the performance evaluation form, how to enter and avoid errors, with reference to the evaluation scores assigned to each scientific activity presented and accomplished by the teaching staff.

It also aimed to familiarize the participants with the importance of this project for the quality of education and to introduce the approved standards for classification, the data to be prepared and the necessary documents, and the mechanism for filling out the forms of the national classification project for the quality of Iraqi universities launched by the Scientific Supervision and Evaluation Authority in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to evaluate the performance of scientific departments and the classification of universities according to a form prepared by the apparatus system.